Recruitment insights where you need them

Spend less time deciding which candidates to reach out to

Skill analysis. Experience insights. Personalized messages.
See it all when browsing profiles

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personalized messages for LinkedIn

Access insights, job fit and personalized messages when browsing LinkedIn profiles

Using the Qualibro chrome extension you can access insights on a candidate directly in their LinkedIn profile.

Use our proprietary data points, skills insights, profile metrics, and matching score with your open positions, to generate personalized messages.

Create tailored messages

Create a candidate experience that attracts the right talent

We use machine learning and natural language algorithms to precisely understand each candidate’s background, experience, and skills.

You can create custom templates for different roles/positions. Our system fills in the profile data in each personalized outreach message and you can access the message from a person’s LinkedIn profile.

Use dynamic templates

Easily manage message content for each open role

Create your outreach email templates seamlessly and use them directly from LinkedIn when reviewing a candidate’s profile.

You can use dynamic information (e.g. total tenure, previous company name, etc.) to personalize your message.

Free extended trial

$0for a limited period of time
  • Access and enrich data for an unlimited number of new profiles.
  • Unlimited message templates
  • Unlimited lists & tags
  • No API access
  • No ATS/CRM integrations

no credit card required.

Unlimited access is based on a fair use policy. Qualibro will distribute evenly the maximum quota for free monthly profiles between ALL users.
The free plan is available until Qualibro reaches version 3.0, which may be released from mid-April 2023 to mid-June 2023 .


from $49per month
  • access data for 250+ new profiles monthly
  • unlimited message templates
  • unlimited lists & tags
  • API access
  • ATS/CRM integrations on demand